Group AGM 2013




Last night we held the Annual General Meeting of the Group’s Executive Committee, more properly known as the AGM of the Group Scout Council. This is the meeting at which the parents have the opportunity to hold the Group Exec to account for what’s gone in in the past year. We generally try and keep the formal part of the meeting as short as possible so that parents can be entertained by the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Last year we managed to get the formal bit done in 17 mins! It took a bit longer this year but that was to be expected as we had a new Chair and a new GSL.

It was also extended by the need to hand out six Chief Scout Silver Awards, Cub of the Year trophy, Scout of the year trophy, a 15-year service award and four, yes, four trophies from the District Archery and Rifle competition, of which 5th Letchworth Scouts made a clean sweep.

After the formal part, we had the entertainment.

The Beavers performed a song and danced along to it.

The Cubs were given a general theme of “What I like about 5th Letchworth” by Akela and then left to their own devises to come up with a number of sketches. Judging by the character impersonation that was going on in one sketch, Akela and Balou have some very interesting mannerisms!

The Scouts did a re-run of The Oscars, run by Oscar H and ably supported by his glamourous sidekick Simon K in drag. Several films were re-enacted and then Oscar chose the winner. Great fun.