Last Sunday, 2nd June, several leaders and parents spent a happy day directing cars at Old Warden Airfield, home of the Shuttleworth Collection. We were there as the guests of The Shuttleworth Foundation, who kindly offered Scout Groups the opportunity to raise funds in return for some light graft.
In attendance were myself, Nick Howell (ASL), Helen Doherty (ASL), Stiofan Doherty (YL), Geoff Smith (ASL), Sam Nobbs (YL), George Lucas (YL), Andrew Kitching (Parent and Exec member) and Simon (Scout). Special thanks go to Sam and George as they were doing most of the running about.
I’d also like to pass on my thanks to Valerie Green and Colin Reynolds from The Shuttleworth Foundation, who organised and looked after us on the day.
Oh, and we raised £200 and got to watch the air display at the end of the day.