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I really enjoyed camp , even though I was the only girl! But I quite liked having my own tent!
I liked all of the activities we did, especially the rafting.
It would have been nice to have had the opportunity to sail different boats i.e. the toppers/topaz.
I really liked sailing on the big boat with Graham and Terri, because its something I’ve never done before and it was all new and exiting!
I think the cooking/cleaning system worked well because once you had done your day, you had a whole day to relax and do your own thing with your patrol. The food, for me, was really nice, there were lots of different types of meals and lots of different flavours. Although I realise that we need to cook and prepare meals, I would have preferred to be out playing instead. But the cooking was good fun.
I wouldn’t change anything about the camp, although I didn’t really like having to go to the loo with all the spiders watching!!!
Thank you for organising another great camp for 5th Letchworth!
From Ruby
[Editor’s comment: This year’s summer camp was a water based activities camp at Barton Turf in Norfolk. Scouts camped in traditional Icelandic tents and patrols took turn cooking for the whole camp]