Table of Contents
Fancy having some fun by helping us out?
Scouting is an entirely voluntary effort on the part of Leaders and Helpers. So you can be confident that we ensure we have lots of fun whilst we are leading our respective sections. | ![]() |
Did you know?
- None of our Leaders are paid – they are all volunteers
- The majority of our Leaders have full-time jobs and a family.
- 50% of our Leaders are female.
- Leaders get involved because they want to have fun and make new friends themselves.
- Leaders don’t have to be ‘superheroes’ who know everything. They are given training on the job and learn new skills as they go along.
- Whilst all our volunteers are passionate about what they do, many help out on a flexible basis due to other commitments. Some may help out once a week or fortnight whereas others help once a term or at summer camp.
- 27% of volunteers help out in Scouting as they are a parent of a current Member. Many were not Scouts when they were young but have learnt new skills and made new friends through Scouting.
- Not all volunteers wear uniform.
- Many of our adult volunteers say they are more confident in their everyday lives as a result of their involvement with Scouting.
- Not all adults who volunteer for Scouting work with young people. There are a variety of other jobs that need to be done such as gardening and general DIY, organising events, doing the accounts and writing press releases.
- All our Leaders are covered by a comprehensive insurance policy while taking part in Scouting.
- New Leaders in Scouting go through an enhanced criminal records check to ensure they are fit to work with young people.
Help out in Beavers, Cubs or Scouts
Although we are blessed with an excellent team of leaders at Fifth, we can always do with more to help spread the load and the fun a bit further. So why not join us for a while? We don’t expect full commitment, just help us when you can and when you feel like it. Be warned however, scouting is addictive!
It’s to be expected that anybody thinking about helping out would be a bit apprehensive about the responsibilities, skills needed etc. Be reassured that The Scout Association provides excellent modular training in all aspects of scouting. Indeed the training is on a par with that delivered on other (expensive) management training courses. We also make sure that new leaders or helpers get plenty of support and assistance as they get to grips with things. Doing things like making squash and organising games means the Leader has more time to spend with the young people.
Do you have any hobbies and interests that you could share? For example, are you a qualified First Aider who could run an interactive session or do you have an interest in nature and could take a Group on a fun walk through the local woods?
If you don’t have time in the evenings when Groups meet could you use your work skills to help out. Perhaps you could take a group of young people to your place of work such as a police station or garden centre?
If you feel you could afford to give up a bit of your spare time and get a lot of enjoyment and satisfaction in return, talk to one of the leaders, or contact us.
Help us in other ways!
Apart from leading the young people, lots of jobs need doing through-out the year and we need parents to volunteer as much as possible so the Leaders can concentrate on delivering a dynamic programme.
If you feel you might be able to offer us some of your time, talk to a Leader, contact us or complete the form at the bottom of the page.
Some of the activities we get involved in can be expensive, plus, as has already been pointed out, we need to buy equipment and maintain the hall. To keep our subs down as much as possible, we need to raise funds through participation in outside activities: sponsored walks, bag packs, etc. If you are good at fundraising or if you know how to put together high-quality grant applications, get in touch: we really need you.
Take a look at our EasyFundRaising page as well.
Maintenance and improvements
We rent our hall on a long term basis. It’s a great hall, but it is getting old and it needs to be maintained on a regular basis if it is to be fit for our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, and for people to want to rent it out.
There are lots of ways that parents can help. A partial list includes:
- organising a parent rota to perform regular duties such as cutting the grass and pruning the bushes along the edge of the property;
- decorating the hall;
- painting the outside of the hall
- making new curtains for the windows;
- cleaning out the gutters and soak-aways;
- checking the electrical system (qualified electricians only please);
- advising us on Health and Safety matters;
- providing us with legal advice when we need it.
Join the Adventure!
To find out more or to discuss volunteering with the Scout Group, please talk to any of the leaders, email us at or complete the form below.
We look forward to welcoming you to the team!